Children & Youth
Sunday Classes for Children and Youth
Our goal is for our children and youth to find joy in being together as they praise God, serve others, come to understand their faith, and share the bounty of living in Christ with one another. We offer a variety of programs for all ages, including Sunday School classes, Children’s worship service, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.
The youth design and present their own worship service for the entire congregation each January–
a service dedicated to issues pertaining to their lives and their faith journey.
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds… Teach them to your children”
—Deuteronomy 11:18–19
Worship & Wonder
Children Worship & Wonder is a wonderful program for children ages 4 through Third grade. Children hear Bible stories and learn about God while experiencing the presence of God. Stories are told in a sensorimotor style which allows the children to enter the stories and form responses out of their own life experiences. Children also learn the meaning of church traditions, and the children have the opportunity to participate in worship practices.
Children begin worship with their families in the sanctuary. Following the Children’s Message, the children are escorted to a special children’s room on the upper level for Children Worship & Wonder. This program has proven to be an effective way to teach children about God as the children are completely engaged in the process.
Adults in the congregation benefit as well when they serve as Greeters or Storytellers. The adults get an opportunity to experience the power of the children’s spirituality, and in the process, the adults may find their own faith to be strengthened.
We are always looking for adults to help out with the program. If you would like to become a Greeter or a Storyteller, please contact Linda Presley. We hope you will encourage your children be a part of this wonderful and special program!

- Loving childcare and instruction for birth through age 4.
- Nursery is staffed and available during our Sunday morning worship and Sunday School. This allows parents and guardians to attend and/or serve in a worship service, as well as attend an adult Sunday school class.
Sunday School
- Sunday school classes for children ages 5–12.
- 10:40 – 11:45 a.m.
Youth Group
- Special activities are planned throughout the year.
- Fun, Food, and Friendship – our elementary aged youth- meet twice a month. Generally, on the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings.
- Our middle and high school youth meet twice a month. Generally, on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday, mid-day.